Good Readers are Good Learners

It’s true what they say – good readers are good learners. Find out here why

a woman with glasses reading a book
A woman showing another elderly woman a phone

Understanding Alzheimer’s: How the Infinite Mind App Can Help Slow Its Effects

Understanding Alzheimer’s: How the Infinite Mind App Can Help Slow Its Effects Understanding Alzheimer’s and How the Infinite Mind App Can Help Alzheimer’s disease affects millions of people worldwide, stealing away memories, cognitive functions, and, ultimately, independence. As the brain atrophies, the quality of life for individuals with Alzheimer’s significantly diminishes. However, there is hope. We can improve their lives by slowing down the progression and managing the symptoms. The Infinite Mind App offers a comprehensive approach to brain health, incorporating innovative reading technology, vision therapy, and mental stimulation exercises…

2 asian teens. one reading and one writing

Reading’s Importance in Developing Strong Writing Skills

Reading’s Importance in Developing Strong Writing Skills It’s clear that reading incentive programs such as the Reading With The Rays program for children (mentioned in a recent news article) and certain programs for adults, exist because the motivation to read does not come naturally for many. But perhaps even more motivating than these community programs is having knowledge about reading’s importance in many areas of your life, especially its importance for developing strong writing skills. Even if you have no desire to be a professional writer, you probably know that…