Train your Brain For
7 Minutes a Day





Watson, our mascot, with grey hair and a mustache looking like Albert Einstein with a board that has letters written

Our Exercises Use Scientifically
Proven Strategies

3 illustrations of a phone showing different parts of our app.
a girl with blue jeans, a pink shirt holding a phone in her right hand.

Your Brain, But Better

The brain typically utilizes a single section known as Broca’s Area for processing written language and auditory stimuli.

The rest of the brain is not typically involved in reading. In fMRI studies using our brain exercises, activity was increased in all brain areas, including those responsible for reason, conceptual learning, memory, vision, and more.


Increase in brain activity while reading


Increase in brain activity while reading


Train Your Brain and Improve Your Quality of Life

watson with one purple weight in each hand and a yellow and green bandana.

Speed Reading at Work and School

watson with an open book

Final Exam Checklist: Five Simple Steps to Acing Your Finals

walson seating on a desk with an open laptop

Reading’s Importance in Developing Strong Writing Skills


Read Faster, Work Smarter
Start Training Your Brain Today!

a girl with a purple t-shirt and yellow overalls.

Improved test scores for students

a woman with a yellow short holding a phone

Increased productivity for professionals

a man with glasses, gray hair, blue shirt, orange pants and black shoes holding a green book.

Improved memory for seniors

Training the Brains of Over 2,000,000 Users


Ready to Unlock
Your Mind’s Infinite Potential?

Available on your device through

a woman with red hair, blue shirt holding a phone and smiling.
a man with glasess, black hair and beard, a light blue shirt, yellow pants and black shoes; holding an orange book